About the UTU Brain Institute

McCann Utu, Sr. desires to establish a foundation in the memory of his son, McCann Utu Jr., 19, who suffered from two TBI incidents in 2013, which led to a devastating collateral outcome three years later with the murder of his mother and brother and himself. Mr. Utu Sr.’s desire is to create a foundation in his son’s memory to help educate parents about mental health issues related to TBI and increase the awareness of potential signs in children before tragedy occurs. Applied Brilliance conducted an audit a year ago to explore the efficacy of becoming a leader in reimagining brain health. The research report follows this overview, with a recommendation for a three- stage program to put the Foundation at the forefront of leadership on this critical issue. The timing is on point to collaborate in an initiative to take the lead in bringing solutions to the public to understand, avoid and manage the effects of brain trauma. UTU can become the public face of a systemic, cross-disciplinary approach to make brain health as integrated into the public discourse as the Cancer Association.

Premise: UTU BRAIN INSTITUTE can become a respected, credible resource in furthering the art + science of brain health and wellbeing.

  • Is there an opportunity to do for brain health what the Heart Association has done for heart health?
  • Explore a potential platform that elevates and broadens the work of key stakeholders in the brain health field.
  • Identify how to leverage UTU BRAIN INSTITUTE as a leader in brain health and wellbeing.

Macro view: Actualize art + science of brain health and wellbeing in service of a brain health community, stakeholders and the public.


Make people better; self-development; make positive changes that ripple outward.Provide high-level hard science, research and innovative neurodegenerative solutions.


Reach broader audiences to motivate adoption of brain health behaviors.

This investigation strongly suggests that there is a clear unmet need for a cross-disciplinary brain health program that will serve a broad range of stakeholders and the public at large.When the concept was described, research subjects welcomed such a platform and want to participate. Respondents volunteered there is a need to:

  • Curate vast amount of brain health information
  • Connect resources and solutions to the public at large
  • Recognize cutting-edge work in brain health
  • Connect the dots in the fragmented brain health field with a series of integrated programs


Contact Us

Utu Brain Institute
Direct: 972-832-1940
Cell: 214-693-8993
[email protected]

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